
The 12 Moods of the 7 Planets through the day, by R. Steiner

German (R. Steiner) and New English Translation12 Moods Cover Image

Click here to see the Twelve Moods Verses (new translation) and the Daily Calculations for working with the Twelve Moods.

(Calculations are updated and published on a weekly basis)

Brief Explanation:

In 84 succinct lines R. Steiner reveals the “mood” of the planets as they progress through the day, from rising to setting and through the night.

The moods can be interpreted in a myriad of ways: what they tell us, what the planets concern themselves with and much, much more.

At any rate, knowing these “moods” and placing ourselves in harmony with them helps us to more effectively go through life at the physical and also more importantly at the soul and spiritual level.

Attention!  When R. Steiner talks for example of the sun in Aries he does not mean the constellation seen in the sky as Aries but rather it is the designation of the first hours of the day when the sun comes up.  Similarly, sun in Cancer means the sun in the “noon hour”, not the physically seen constellation of Cancer, and so on.

With the help of our calculations you can now find the total cosmic “mood” for each day and each specific hour!

Here is an example for what the planets “said”, or what “mood” they were in on 10/23/2011 at 7:30 AM:

Planet     in the Constellation     with the Corresponding Verse
Sun                         Aries                               Arise, O shining light
Venus                     Pisces                             In what is gained, may the gain lose itself
Mercury                  Pisces                             In what is comprehended, may comprehending seek itself
Mars                       Gemini                            Towards a mighty wielding of life
Jupiter                    Virgo                               In will-experience build
Saturn                    Aries                               In stream of time, disperse
Moon                     Gemini                             O Glow of being, appear!

For a truly fulfilled life we need to be in a freely chosen Harmony with these Moods and Qualities!

A more comprehensive article to follow, or call for information on one of our teaching seminars.

Artwork above by Kitsy McHenry, with kind permission from Mercury Press.