
Lunar Eclipse and Anthroposophy

Today occurred the second of  four lunar eclipses. All that natural science can tell us about a lunar eclipse is that there is a perfect alignment in a row between the sun the earth and the moon with the earth being in the middle and obstructing the sun rays that are going to was the moon. Interestingly, depending on the pollution level on the earth the shadow cast on the surface of the moon will be either a “blood” red or a dirty black. On the newscasts the day before we were made to understand that short light waves are absorbed and only the long waves are led through which is what leads to the varying color differences.
Rudolf Steiner gives us a different story illuminating for us through his research the fact that a lunar eclipse is actually a valve through which a very negative influences can come from the cosmos to the earth. These influences can then be used by people who do not have the best intentions in mind. It gives the lunar eclipses a completely different meaning and it awakens us to the needs to take some action.

The two lunar eclipses of this year and the two of next year are particularly important. The first one of April 15, 2014 occurred on what Rudolf Steiner calls the Rafael day – the day that commemorates the Archangel of Healing. The one of October 8, 2014 occurred with the sun in Virgo and the moon in Pisces, a zodiac axis that Rudolf Steiner attributed a great importance to calling it “The Axis of Healing”. The next lunar eclipse will be on April 4, 2015 a day belonging to the historical Mystery of Golgotha (April 3 of the year 33 being the Friday of the Death on the Cross of the Christ and April 5 being the day of the historical Easter Sunday). Finally, the fourth eclipse will be on September 28, 2015 the day before the celebration of Michaelmas day.

The world at large concentrates, if at all, on the actual moment of the astronomical event like for example mentioning that this current lunar eclipse at its maximal point at exactly 5:15 AM Eastern daylight Time. To us it should be  obvious that the whole event is beginning of a process that at the very least will take several days during which these unwanted thoughts are coming to earth and then we needs to observed what new forms of “unfortunate thinking” is becoming manifest as a “new thought form on earth.

What can we do to help?

From an anthroposophic point of view it is understandable that a healing property can be brought to this event by increasing the Sun forces in us and around us.
First and foremost this can be done through meditation especially by reawakening in us thoughts connected to the Archangel Michael, who is the leader in the fight against nefarious Moon forces. since the current eclipse is so intimately related to a morning experience I’m including here this special Rudolf Steiner given Michael meditation:

We people of the Present (time)

Need the right Hearing

For the Spirit’s Morning Call,

The Morning Call of Michael.

Spirit Knowledge will

Open to the Soul

This true Morning Call- Hearing.


I will follow this theme in my next blog.

Ross Rentea


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