
Why we have Educational Programs at the Lili Kolisko Institute!

We all know the saying: learn one; do one; teach one.

In that spirit the Institute has been founded by a group of colleagues that have been studying anthroposophy for over 40 years, have been practicing anthroposophic medicine for over 35 years and have engaged in anthroposophical research for over 10 years. So, after many years of learning and doing they felt that it was time to share with others their experiences and enthusiasm. The intention was and continues to be to share practical indications that lead to incorporating anthroposophy into one’s daily work. This will refresh one’s physical and spiritual health. Rudolf Steiner wanted anthroposophy to be understood as an impulse that takes hold of the “entire human being” not just become a source for “reading material”. We feel that the groundbreaking work of Rudolf Steiner is the most significant impulse that can counter the destructive tendencies of our time. But his impulses need to be taken up into one’s will and they need to be practiced – and we hope to help in the “how”!

We feel that including into our presentations research that we have actually done at the Institute, right here in the US, raises the credibility of our strivings – especially to those not intimately connected yet with anthroposophy.

Here are some of the topics we have covered for various groups:

  • Understanding and treating chronic illnesses like metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and more from an anthroposophic viewpoint.
  • The contribution of anthroposophical thinking to the mental health and development of our children – and those who care for them. Anthroposophy, spiritual science, is uniquely suited to understand the modern challenges our children face in the modern world and show pathways to decrease the negative influences resulting in physical and behavioral illnesses.
  • Clarifying why the new movement form called Eurythmy is an essential part of one’s daily physical and spiritual growth regimen; teaching the actual steps necessary for its practice.
  • Presenting insights on the history, the esoteric foundations and meditative practices of anthroposophy.
  • Presenting specific research done at the LK Institute.

As seen from above we direct our attention to both professionals and lay groups.

We have given webinars and many other contributions online. We consider nevertheless our “in person” visits to groups throughout the country to be the most significant endeavors. Nothing can replace the person to person encounters. For those workshops we have asked only for minimal monetary support – and often none at all. Any funds coming in are of course going to support the further work of the Institute. We look forward to continued invitations.

We hope thus to work towards one of the most cherished goals of R. Steiner: the creation of institutions from where anthroposophy is practiced and researched in groups and then, when joining with communities, can spread these much needed impulses into the world.

The LKI is a non- profit, 501(c)3 organization which gratefully accepts tax deductible donations.


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